While an AC unit is indispensable in hot weather, it also accounts for a large part of your energy bill. In fact, it often accounts for 40 to 50 percent of the total energy bill of a home. When an AC unit is several years old, it simply can’t compete with the many energy-efficient models of today. Today’s units are made to be as efficient as possible, and this can save you far more money than you may have imagined. For a large home,...
5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality in Indiana is even more important when temperatures soar. Running your air conditioner in summer helps with keeping your home cool and comfortable, but only if you take some precautions. Here are five ways to improve indoor air quality: 1. Remove Shoes at the Door With so many outdoor activities happening in summer, it’s good to make a habit of kicking shoes off at the door. The bottoms of your family’s shoes can bring in a...